Monday, August 8, 2011

New ways to eat tomatoes?

Well at least new to me. Preferably raw. I have about 15 different varieties of tomatoes planted, mostly heirlooms, and expect them to start coming in big time in the next month or so. I love fresh, ripe tomatoes (that's why I grow them) and won't even touch those "joke tomatoes" they sell in the stores. Mostly I slice the big ones and make tomato sandwiches. The smaller ones go in salads. Sometimes I cook up pasta and simply put sliced tomatoes, oil spices and grated cheese on it. But, alas, this ripe tomato time of the year is relatively short and the rest of the year is more or less a tomato famine. Ergo, I'm looking for as many ways to enjoy these fruits as possible while I have them. As I said, raw is better. Obviously there are a lot of recipes on the various culinary web sites but what I'm looking for are the "down homey," unique recipes that people have come up with on their own.

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